After the article was published on the website on August 4 about the suspension of D.B, the commander of the police substation in Gorazdevac,...
After publishing an article on the website about an allegedly illegal home for the elderly, the author of the article and the editor received death...
The Council of Europe recorded 23 attacks on journalists and violations of their rights in the region on its Platform for the Protection of Journalism and...
New measures to prevent legislation used to intimidate journalists and threaten press freedom have been announced in the United Kingdom. The European...
Since this May, the editorial staff of the Banja Luka portal eTrafika has been receiving death threats via the Facebook social network from a certain Sinisa...
Sarajevo/Banjaluka, 20.07.2022. – The Steering Committee of the BH Journalists Association and the Free Media Help Line (FMHL) demand from the police...
The European Federation of Journalists (EFJ) welcomes the publication on Wednesday 13 July of the European Commission’s report on the rule of law. This...
Credit: EFJ Media employers have to do more to fulfil their duty of care for journalists’ safety, especially freelance and female journalists who are more...
Fitore Pacolli, MP of ruling party Lëvizja Vetëvendosje, in her speech today in the Assembly of the Republic of Kosovo suggested that the Assembly and the...