The SafeJournalists network is deeply concerned by the Ministry of Industry, Entrepreneurship, and Trade’s decision to confirm the suspension of Klan...
Jasmin Mulahusic once again labeled and targeted journalists Sladjan Tomic and Danijal Hadzovic in his latest post on Facebook. Mulahusic, a citizen of...
The growing number of defamation lawsuits that most media outlets cannot financially handle The organization SafeJournalists has published the Western...
The Western Balkans Journalists’ Safety Index (WB-JSI) is a research-grounded tool designed to measure and monitor the changes in the respective social and...
Indeks sigurnosti novinara Zapadnog Balkana (WB–JSI) je istraživački utemeljen alat dizajniran sa ciljem da izmjeri i prati promjene u odgovarajućem...
GENEVA (25 July 2023) – UN human rights experts* expressed alarm about the recent adoption of amendments to the criminal code in the Republika Srpska entity...
In Bosnia and Herzegovina (BiH), imperative legal norms without the application of sanctions for non-implementation are like a door without a handle: they...