The SafeJournalists Network strongly condemns the life-threatening email sent to Isa Myzyraj, a journalist at Ora News and an activist of human rights in...
Written by: Dejan Lučka BH journalists association and media law expert Dejan Lučka prepared an analysis of several verdicts for defamation that were...
Over the past few days, several journalists in Serbia have been continuously insulted, threatened live, by phone or through messages on social networks, and...
Press release from a section of the membership of the P.E.N. Center of Bosnia and Herzegovina We, the undersigned members of the PEN Center of Bosnia and...
On the International Women’s Day, the SafeJournalists Network points out that the position of women journalists in the Western Balkans remains difficult....
On the International Women’s Day, the SafeJournalists Network points out that the position of women journalists in the Western Balkans remains difficult....
The SafeJournalists Network expresses its profound concern and dismay over the continued and intensified smear campaign against Ola Xama, an investigative...
SafeJournalists Network and the Media Freedom Rapid Response strongly condemn the behavior of the local authorities in Indjija, who forcibly removed the...
Franjo Šarčević, the editor of the portal Prometej, received a series of threats, insults and became the target of hate speech on social networks, as well...