The SafeJournalists Network strongly denounces the orchestrated smear campaign on social media targeting journalists and media outlets in North Macedonia....
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The SafeJournalists Network expresses concerns over the increasing hostility against independent journalists and media professionals in Albania, including...
In response to the US government’s offensive against journalists and journalism, the EFJ President Maja Sever today issued a message of solidarity with...
Insults and threats were directed at the N1 television crew at the meeting held on Saturday in Sremska Mitrovica, Serbia, which was organized by the ruling...
Mirjana Radulović and Branimir Slijepčević, editors of Radio Rojc, yesterday were taken to the police station in Pula, Croatia. The detention followed an...
Sarajevo/Banja Luka, February 8, 2025 – The Steering Committee of BH Journalists Association BH Journalists Association and the Journalists‘ Helpline...