The SafeJournalists Network, on the occasion of the International Day of Media Freedom, May 3rd, calls on the public to support journalists who do their...
SafeJournalists: Minister Elmedin Konaković abuses political power and public space for illegal attacks to Bosnian journalists The SafeJournalists Network...
The newsroom of the N1 portal received a death threat last night in comments on the website. The threat came in a comment on a text about the stay of the...
Sarajevo, 22. april 2024 – In anticipation of the International Copyright Day (April 23), we spoke with an expert on the protection of copyright and related...
Media freedom advocates condemn 25 years of impunity for Ćuruvija’s murder Commemorating 25 years since the brutal murder of Serbian journalist Slavko...
The SafeJournalists Network condemns in the strongest pressure and the brutal insults address by Milan Kovac, mayor of Sipovo and prominent member of Union...
Sarajevo/Banja Luka 4/4/2024. Steering Committee of the BH Journalists Association and Free Media Help Line (FMHL) strongly condemn the brutal insults and...
On April 3rd, journalists Fjolla Hyseni and Lindita Berisha were physically assaulted by a couple on the street in Prishtina. In the disturbing...
The SafeJournalists Network is troubled by the coordinated efforts to undermine Citizens Channel, a non-profit and independent media outlet in Albania....