Sarajevo, 23 March 2021- The global campaign “Media4Women2021” was launched on March 8 by Free Press Unlimited from the Netherlands, and in Bosnia and Herzegovina by the BH Journalists Association and the Network of Female Journalists in BiH, with the aim of better visibility of women in media content, but also better positioning of journalists in the media industry.
As a part campaign, BH Journalists are:
- Created and published 17 messages from media workers from BiH, who promoted successful women from the media, science, sports, activism, and mothers, friends, colleagues and all women whose existence and activities make a significant contribution to the development of BiH society in accordance with with world standards of women’s human rights;
- Published a statement from the International Federation of Journalists (IFJ), calling on the media in BiH to conduct a revision of salaries in their newsrooms and engage in resolving gender pay gaps.
- In cooperation with the Independent Trade Union of Forestry, Wood and Paper Processing of BiH, BHJA sent a request to the Presidency of BiH, the Parliamentary Assembly of BiH and the Council of Ministers of BiH for ratification of the 190th Convention on Violence and Harassment in the World of Work, and the accompanying Recommendation No. 206
- Organized an online conference “Gender-based violence in the public and communication space of Bosnia and
Herzegovina”, with the presence of 35 representatives of the media community, NGO sector and institutions,
with the aim of opening public space for dialogue on increasingly prevalent forms of gender-based violence
in public communication space. - Awarded the “Champion of Gender Equality 2021” to the portal Radio Sarajevo in the media category and Vanja
Stokic, editors of the eTrafika portal from Banja Luka, in the category for journalists, for the promotion of gender equality through media content.
You can read the campaign report here.