Non – transparency has been one of the most noted and imposed critics by journalists, media editors, but also by the entire public in BiH, directed against general judicial system in BiH. It has always been difficult to have access to relevant information, regarding the work by prosecutors’ offices and courts, including specific details concerning individual cases, which has even been more difficult than the pervious. Journalists have often complained about “enclosed conduct” by judicial institutions, being thus enabled to perform their work in most appropriate and professional way. Instead of receiving rather limited and summarised replies, responses and answers by sources from prosecutors’ offices and courts, journalists have been “forced” to rely to various, but unofficial sources in order to get relevant and required information.
This particular approach conducted by many judicial officials (with a limited number of exceptions); have resulted in even bigger suspicions and doubts, regarding the work by judicial institutions. Could this mean that non – transparency actually tends to hide something from general public or could this, on the other hand, mean that “the nature of investigation process in fact actually means that revealing and releasing information would jeopardise further investigation”, which has been usual argument often delivered by judicial officials? If judicial system does appear non – transparent, that it should surely be considered as corrupted, irresponsible and unprofessional in its work.
This specific, rather most common perception in public, but also often appearing perception within media community tends, through Communication Strategy, to be altered by High Judicial and Prosecutorial Council of BiH (HJPC). In this E-Journalist edition, we shall take into consideration most important aspects of this document and ways by which the implementation of the Strategy would eventually improve the work by judicial system and, at the same time, “rectify and mend” disturbed public trust in prosecutors’ offices and courts.
Subjects that cover the issue on advantages and disadvantages by new Communication Strategy, passed by the HJPC of BiH and whether its implementation could produce genuinely and unbiased professional and effective judicial system; or weather this is yet another document shall remain “a cold fact on paper”, shall in this, 79th E–journalist edition, be covered by Sanela Gorusanovic-Butigan, vice president of HJPC of BiH, Zinaida Djelilovic, Zurnal magazine journalist, Emina Dizdarevic, BIRN journalist, Admir Arnautovic, expert adviser for public relations affairs with Cantonal Prosecutor’s Office in Tuzla Canton and Marjana Popovic, Head of Cabinet of HJPC of BiH Presidency.
The bulletin E-journalist in English is available HERE.