The investigation against Nikola Morača, Boris Lakić and Siniša Trkulja has been suspended

The District Public Prosecutor’s Office in Banja Luka suspended the investigation against the responsible editor of “EuroBlic” Siniša Trkulja, the director of development and executive editor for online media of “EuroBlic” Boris Lakić and the journalist Nikola Morača.

They were suspected of the criminal offense of breaching the secrecy of proceedings in the case of the publication of a text about rape that was reported in Banja Luka in February of this year.

The prosecutor, in his order on the suspension of the investigation, stated that there is not enough evidence to confirm that the suspects, at the time of publication of the disputed text, undoubtedly knew that they were publishing information that an employee of the PU could not provide.

Trkulja, in a statement to “Nezavisne novine”, thanked all his colleagues and people who supported EuroBlic and the Srpskainfo portal in the past months and added that EuroBlic and Srpskainfo will continue to work professionally and at the service of readers, not individuals.

“This suspension of the investigation is another proof that the journalists of EuroBlic and Srpskainfo do their work in an extremely professional manner, and we will continue to do so in the future,” said Trkulja.

He also recalled the inappropriate behavior of high officials who gave inappropriate statements during the investigation.

“Perhaps it would have been better for them to have waited for the end of the investigation, instead of listening to their closest collaborators, so they showed in public who is trying to influence the investigation and in what way.” Well, the prosecution established that Morača has good and accurate sources. I wonder what we will do with those who publicly presented unverified information regarding this case”, concluded Trkulja.


Source: Nezavisne novine

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