- In 2020, for BiH citizens most trusted are the media and religious institutions (77%), followed by the non-governmental sector (66%), the international community (63%) and government institutions (55%). Political parties and politicians are the least trusted on the part of the citizens. At the entity level, the same image is present. However, when compared to 2019, all institutions have increased their level of trust on the part of citizens. Thus, the greatest growth in trust is achieved by the non-governmental sector, the media, the international community and political parties. Religious communities, government institutions and politicians are seeing a slight increase in trust.
- The citizens of BiH and also the entities separately are much more satisfied with the work of the media and journalists in the FBiH and RS than in the previous year.
- The majority of respondents believe that there is no freedom of the media in the FBiH or it is only partially present. The situation is similar in the RS, where most citizens believe that there is no freedom of the media.
- As in the previous year, more than half of BiH citizens believe that political dependence is a major obstacle to the work of the media in BiH. On the other hand, there is a decline in the perception of citizens that financial dependency, lack of professionalism and inadequate legal framework are additional obstacles to the free work of the media in BiH. The situation is similar at the entity level.
The entire report is available HERE