SARAJEVO, 28.03.2019.- Steering Committee of BHJA and Free Media Help Line strongly condemns the physical attack and safety endangering of Zurnal photographer Adija Kebe, who was hurled by Huso Ćesir, president of Municipal Committee of SDA Novi Grad in Sarajevo.
Adi Kebo was attacked on a work assignment, while he photographed a Bosnaplast company about which journalists of Zurnal prepare an investigation story and which is owned by Huso Česir. With the curse, offense and hits, leader of SDA wanted to stop recording, in one point he tried to wrest camera and destroy the recorded material. His son Muamer Ćesir helped him.
Violent and primitive behavior of father and son Ćesir is an unacceptable attack on freedom of expression and safety of journalists work and represents especially brutal attempt of the journalist to investigate themes of public importance, including writing about corruption, political mediation in public procurement and other forms of illegal conduct.
BH Journalists Association and Free Media Help Line asked from Canton Sarajevo policy urgent investigation of this attack and taking legal sanctions against attackers Husi and Muameru Cesiru.
Steering Committee of BH Journalists Association
BHN, Sarajevo, 28/03/2019