Mi, dole potpisane organizacije, solidarni smo sa narodom Ukrajine, ali posebno sa ukrajinskim novinarkama i novinarima koji se sada nalaze na frontu velikog evropskog rata.

Jednoglasno osuđujemo nasilje i agresiju koja hiljade naših koleginica i kolega širom Ukrajine dovodi u ozbiljnu opasnost.

Pozivamo međunarodnu zajednicu da pruži svaku moguću pomoć onima koji preuzimaju hrabru ulogu izvještavanja iz ratne zone koja je sada Ukrajina.

Osuđujemo fizičko nasilje, cyber napade, dezinformacije i sva druga oružja koja je agresor koristio protiv slobodne i demokratske ukrajinske štampe.

Također smo solidarni sa nezavisnim ruskim medijima koji nastavljaju da izvještavaju istinito u uvjetima bez presedana.

Pridružite se izjavi podrške Ukrajini tako što ćete je potpisati ovdje.


  1. Justice for Journalists Foundation
  2. Index on Censorship
  3. International Foundation for Protection of Freedom of Speech “Adil Soz”
  4. International Media Support (IMS)
  5. Yerevan Press Club
  6. Turkmen.news
  7. Free Press Unlimited
  8. Human Rights Center “Viasna”
  9. Albanian Helsinki Committee
  10.  Media Rights Group, Azerbaijan
  11.  European Centre for Press and Media Freedom
  12.  Association of European Journalists
  13.  School of Peacemaking and Media Technology in Central Asia
  1. Justice for Journalists Foundation
  2. Index on Censorship
  3. International Foundation for Protection of Freedom of Speech “Adil Soz”
  4. International Media Support (IMS)
  5. Yerevan Press Club
  6. Turkmen.news
  7. Free Press Unlimited
  8. Human Rights Center “Viasna”
  9. Albanian Helsinki Committee
  10.  Media Rights Group, Azerbaijan
  11.  European Centre for Press and Media Freedom
  12.  Association of European Journalists
  13.  School of Peacemaking and Media Technology in Central Asia
  14.  Human Rights Center of Azerbaijan
  15.  Reporters Without Borders, RSF
  16.  Association of Independent Press of Moldova, API
  17.  Public Association “Dignity”, Kazakhstan
  18.  PEN International
  19.  Human Rights House Foundation, Norway
  20.  IFEX
  21.  UNITED for Intercultural Action
  22.  Human Rights House Yerevan
  23.  Helsinki Citizens’ Assembly – Vanadzor, Armenia ??
  24.  Rafto Foundation for Human Rights, Norway
  25.  Society of Journalists, Warsaw
  26.  The Swedish OSCE-network
  27.  Hungarian Helsinki Committee
  28.  Legal policy research centre, Kazakhstan
  29.  Public Foundation Notabene – Tajikistan
  30.  HR NGO “Citizens’ Watch – St. Petersburg, Russia
  31.  English PEN
  32.  Public organization “Dawn” – Tajikistan
  33.  International Press Institute (IPI)
  34.  The Union of Journalists of Kazakhstan
  35.  ARTICLE 19
  36.  Human Rights House Tbilisi
  37. Rights Georgia
  38. Election Monitoring and Democracy Studies Center. Azerbaijan
  39.  International Service for Human Rights (ISHR)
  40. Bulgarian Helsinki Committee
  41. Global Forum for Media Development (GFMD)
  42. European Federation of Journalists
  43. Social Media Development Center, Georgia
  44. Populus Rei, Georgia
  45.  OBC Transeuropa
  46.  The Bureau of Investigative Journalism
  47.  Journalists Union YENI NESIL, Azerbaijan
  48. Media and Law Studies Association (MLSA) , Istanbul
  49.  Baku Press Club
  50. Centre for Journalism Innovation and Development Premium Times
  51. Union Sapari
  52. The Coalition For Women In Journalism (CFWIJ)
  53. Committee to Protect Freedom of Expression, Armenia
  56. CFDT-Journalistes
  57. Belarusian Association of Journalists
  58. SafeJournalists network
  59. Association of Journalists of Kosovo
  60. Association of Journalists of Macedonia
  61. BH Journalists Association
  62. Croatian Journalists’ Association
  63. Independent Journalists Association of Serbia
  64. Trade Union of Media of Montenegro
  65. Analytical Center for Central Asia (ACCA)
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