SafeJournalists: Call for Immediate Investigation into Serious Violation of Journalist’s Rights in North Macedonia


The SafeJournalists Network expresses deep concern over the recent infringement of the fundamental rights of journalist Miroslava Simonovska from the Republic of North Macedonia.

On Thursday, October 31, a video clip was published on national television, allegedly showing journalist Miroslava Simonovska receiving prosecutors’ official documents from an unknown person. This recording was made without authorization and it was delivered to national television by Chief Prosecutor Mustafa Hajrulahi, raising serious issues regarding privacy, illegal surveillance, and journalists’ rights in North Macedonia.

Irrespective of the measures taken to obscure identities in the released footage, the journalist recognized that the video was about her. The publication of this unlawfully recorded video of journalist Miroslava Simonovska constitutes a grave breach of her privacy and fundamental rights. Association of Journalists of Macedonia (AJM) believes that this action is intended to intimidate and discredit Miroslava Simonovska due to her critical reporting, especially on the work of the high public prosecutor. “This incident represents a direct assault on journalistic independence and poses a threat to all professional journalists. Such tactics risk leading to self-censorship and undermining the crucial role of the media in holding power accountable.”, said from AJM.

In response to this incident, journalist Miroslava Simonovska has filed a criminal complaint with the Skopje Public Prosecutor’s Office for unauthorized recording by an official. The SafeJournalists Network urges the Public Prosecutor’s Office to conduct an immediate and thorough investigation of this case without delay and calls upon relevant institutions to safeguard the rights and safety of journalists. Every journalist is entitled to freely move and communicate with citizens without fear of illegal monitoring or invasion of privacy.

This violation of a journalist’s rights gravely endangers press freedom, instilling fear not only among journalists but also among citizens who may serve as sources in exposing abuses within state institutions. The SafeJournalists Network further advises media outlets to treat cases involving suspiciously obtained materials with particular caution and to uphold ethical standards rigorously.


The SafeJournalists Network will inform relevant national and international actors about this case.

Every attack on journalists is an attack on the public interest, democracy, and the rights of all citizens.


Pristina – Skopje – Sarajevo – Zagreb – Belgrade – Podgorica, 04.11.2024

Association of Journalists of Kosovo

Association of Journalists of Macedonia

BH Journalists Association

Croatian Journalists’ Association

Independent Journalists Association of Serbia

Trade Union of Media of Montenegro



The source: IJAS
Photo by: Canva
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