SafeJournalists: Intimidation of Journalist Vincent van Gerven Oei in Albania Must Stop

The SafeJournalists Network is deeply alarmed by the recent intimidation of Dutch journalist Vincent van Gerven Oei, who published a critical article titled “How to Launder Art and Money through Waste Management Concessions” earlier this year. This piece explored alleged money laundering involving the Tirana Municipality and Albania’s art scene, specifically linked to incinerator projects.

Following the article’s release, artist Driant Zeneli, co-founder of the Harabel foundation—a non-profit promoting contemporary art, co-founded by Ajola Xoxa, the wife of Tirana’s Mayor Erion Veliaj—initiated a series of threatening messages to journalist van Gerven Oei through social media. The confrontation escalated on September 4, when Zeneli, accompanied by three others, confronted Van Gerven Oei at a gallery opening in Tirana, engaging in aggressive and homophobic language and attempting physical assault. Intervention from bystanders prevented further escalation.

This incident raises serious concerns about the safety of journalists in Albania, especially when reporting on sensitive topics involving powerful figures. The harassment of journalists undermines the freedom of the press, discouraging critical reporting and limiting public access to information.

SafeJournalists Network calls on the relevant authorities to thoroughly investigate this incident and ensure that journalists can perform their duties without fear of retaliation or violence. We stand in solidarity with Vincent van Gerven Oei and reaffirm our commitment to defending media freedom across the region.

The SafeJournalists Network will continue monitoring this case and advocating for journalists’ rights, ensuring they remain free to report on matters of public interest.


Association of Journalists of Kosovo

Association of Journalists of Macedonia

BH Journalists Association

Croatian Journalists’ Association

Independent Journalists Association of Serbia

Trade Union of Media of Montenegro


Pristina – Skopje – Sarajevo – Zagreb – Belgrade – Podgorica, 10 September 2024


The source: IJAS

Photo by: Canva

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