Sarajevo, 23.07.2019. – The Steering Committee of BH Journalists’ Association (BHJA) strongly condemns violations of the rights of journalists and other media employees at RTV Zenica, systematically repeated for months, that are taking on forms of constant mobbing and the unlawful restriction of the right to freedom of expression and freedom of the media.
Despite the numerous warnings and demands of the Workers Union of RTV Zenica to provide free and dignified work for all employees of this media, the situation has not improved. On the contrary! Pressure and misconduct towards journalists persist daily, as well as censorship the author’s content and news with critical acclaim, and the entire program has turned into a praise and political support to the City Hall of Zenica and mayor Fuad Kasumovic.
There was no result from Free Media Help Line legal team’s effort to assist to help protect journalists and freedom of expression through individual conversations with RTV Zenica’s employees and members of management, including attending the City Council session when it was discussed about the work of this media as the last attempt by the founder to enable the public media to operate in accordance with prescribed legal provisions and international standards of public information protection in the interest of citizens.
The BHJA Steering Committee again, publicly and resolutely, demands from RTV Zenica and Zenica City Administration to stop political pressures, undemocratic and unauthorized interference in the work of this media, with full respect for editorial and journalistic independence. At the same time, the Steering Committee invites the Assembly of RTV Zenica to urgently organize session and pay due attention, responsibly and seriously, to the manner of operation of this media and the fulfillment of the informative needs of all citizens of Zenica, whose funds finance the work of RTV Zenica.
If they urgently don’t enable free and legitimate work to journalists and continue political pressures on RTV Zenica employees, BH Journalists will use all legal means and the influence of international institutions dedicated to media freedom to protect the individual rights of journalists and the professional integrity of this media – says the statement of the BHJA Steering Committee.