The annual research “Indicators of the level of media freedoms and safety of journalists in BiH”, conducted by the BH Journalists Association within the regional network of journalists’ associations of the Western Balkans Safejournalists and supported by the European Union, includes statistics on attacks, threats and pressures on journalists in Bosnia and Herzegovina. information on media legislation, the economic position of the media and journalists, and current trends related to the threats to media rights and freedoms.
In 2021, a total of 26 cases of attacks, threats and pressures on journalists and media outlets in BiH were registered in the database of attacks on journalists on the website safejournalists.net, including three physical attacks. The most numerous were cases of threats and intimidation of journalists, as well as various forms of pressure, which often came from representatives of institutions from different levels of government. The number of cases of threats to journalists via social networks, ie online violence against journalists, has increased. The Free Media Help Line, which operates within the BH Journalists Association, registered 71 cases of violations of journalists’ rights and media freedoms last year. Two cases of SLAPP lawsuits have also been registered.
The research is available HERE.